A therapist who works with children is always also glancing at their families in order to learn something about the child' reality, the circumstances and environment that surround him or her and the role that the child is playing in the life script of his family. The therapist's attention is sometimes wandering between the figure of the child, the identified patient and that of his/hers family, that present itself as background while emerging as a second main figure in the drama that evolves in the process of therapy. In the seminar/workshop we will look into such situations and try to support the therapist's clear vision of how to utilize the dynamics of the situation in the service of the child’s needs.
ΗΜΕΡΟΜΗΝΙΕΣ: Παρ. 15 - Κυρ. 17 Απριλίου 2016, 10:00-17:00
ΣΥΝΤΟΝΙΣΤΡΙΑ: Nurith Levi Ph.D., is an experienced Family Therapist and supervisor who specializes in work with children at risk and their families. She was head of the Department for training Child Care Workers at the Academic College of Beit Berl, and Senior lecturer at the School of Social Work at Tel Aviv and Beer Shba Universities. She is a Gestalt therapist, supervisor, Chair of the Training Standards Committee in EAGT and trains regularly throughout Israel and Europe.