3η εκπαιδευτική συνάντηση

Friday 11/10/2019             Time: 10:00 – 18:00

Saturday 12/10/2019        Time: 10:00 – 18:00

Sunday 13/10/2019           Time: 10:00 – 18:00


Denham-Vaughan Sally: Dr Sally Denham-Vaughan is a Registered Supervisor, Trainer and Psychotherapist. She has a background in Clinical Psychology and was the Consultant Clinical Lead for Primary Care Mental Health Services in the County of Worcestershire with clinical responsibility for psychological service provision to over half a million people. Across her career she has offered supervision and consultation to a wide range of mental health professionals and is passionate about the role of supervision in supporting practitioners to be able to offer high quality services. She is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the British Gestalt Journal, Academic Advisor on the Doctoral programme at Metanoia Institute in London and International Faculty Associate at the Pacific Gestalt Institute in California. She presents and publishes widely and is the Co-Founder of Relational Change, an International Organisation specialising in developing Relational Approaches in theory and practice: www.relationalchange.org


Relational Model of Supervision and Relational Matrix Model

The use of disclosure in supervision

Choosing interventions


Supervision demonstration - Hypervision