credits: ΚΠΙΣΝ/Σοφία Παπαστράτη credits: ΚΠΙΣΝ/Σοφία Παπαστράτη

On Friday, March 18, 2022, 19: 00-21: 00, at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center, the psychologist Dimitra Chantziara conducted a presentation on:


"TASTE AND FRAGRANCES: A poem begins with enjoyment and ends with wisdom" (R. FROST)


The presentation was about the two senses, smell and taste, which are chemical senses and are often called "sisters", as they are interconnected.


As Mrs. Chantziara mentioned, smell and taste, with breathing and food intake are essential functions for our survival and based on these senses we perceive and categorize our experiences, within the continuum defined by the ends of attraction and repulsion. Especially the information we receive from the sense of smell is recorded in a part of the brain that is connected to emotions and are the oldest memories that we can recall and the last ones that we forget.


In this presentation, Mrs. Chantziara, together with the participants, explored their experience in these senses, from attraction to repulsion, the emotions associated with olfactory and taste experiences as they are contained in the present, the past and the future and experimented and felt the subjective definition of pleasure.


Chantziara Demetra BSc (Hons) Psychology – Gestalt Psychotherapist,  Supervisor and trainee trainer.  Member of EAGT (European Association for Gestalt Therapy) and member of the Hellenic Association for Gestalt Therapy (HAGT). Coordinator of group therapies, women support groups, training and supervision groups for volunteers who support cancer patients, individual counseling for parents, individual psychotherapy sessions. Trained in the EMDR Traumatotherapy method.