The Gestalt Foundation Psychotherapy &Τraining Center is organizing a 4 day Scientific & Experiential meeting with the participation of both Greek and international trainers and psychotherapists. In this 4day workshop the participants will have the opportunity to acquaint themselves with the theory and practice of the Gestalt therapy through experiential group workshops, lectures and theory presentations.
These annual 4 day workshop is taking place away from Athens and Thessaloniki where the training workshops usually are held. This meeting is obligatory for the center’s trainees from all years participating in the training groups. Other participants may be center graduates, and mental health professionals attending the advanced group and mental health students and people who are participating for their own personal growth attending the experiential group.
In this 4day workshop trainees have the opportunity to work on many different issues and in circumstances other than their usual program. The purpose of this event is to strengthen the relationship of the Gestalt Foundation members, to enrich our sense of Community, to experience that we all belong to a wider field, to exchange ideas and opinions with other members of our community.
Furthermore, our trainees, from the first to the fourth year, are given the opportunity to practice their skills in oral presentations, posters, and to present their group papers. The presentations are supervised by each year’s trainers who are promoting the idea of active learning, comprehension and practice of the Gestalt Therapy theory. The results from this workshop are processed in the next workshop, preferably supervised by the year’s trainer and are included in the program, the theory and process of the corresponding year.