Basic Trainers

Basic Trainers
  • Anagnostopoulou Athina, Relational Gestalt Psychotherapy (continuing education of Gestalt Psychotherapy), BA in Psychology (American College of Greece), Certificate in Counseling Skills & Diploma in Integrative Counseling (COSCA), Gestalt Psychotherapist & Trainer, member of EAGT European Association for Gestalt Therapy) and ΗAGT (Hellenic Association for Gestalt Therapy). Works with adults, & groups. Coordinates educational and experiential workshops for eating disorders and group of parents with emphasis on positive parenting.

  • Balliou Despina, M.Sc. Counseling Psychology, Gestalt Psychotherapist, Trainer & Supervisor, ECP holder (European Certificate of Psychotherapy). Member of EAGT’s Training Standards Committee (European Association for Gestalt Therapy). Member of the Board of Directors of NOPG (National Organization of Psychotherapy in Greece). Founding Member of HAGT (Hellenic Association for Gestalt Therapy).

  • Chantziara Demetra, BSc (Hons) Psychology, accredited Gestalt Psychotherapist and Supervisor, trainee trainer. Member of EAGT (European Association for Gestalt Therapy) and member of the Hellenic Association for Gestalt Therapy (HAGT). Trained group psychotherapist in Gestalt approach. Trained in EMDR Traumatotherapy method.

  • Chatzopoulou Sevi, Psychologist, Gestalt Psychotherapist, Trainee gestalt trainer and supervisor, MSc in Health Psychology–University of Surrey, U.K ., Member of EAGT, H.A.G.T., Member of Panhellenic Psychological Association, counseling-psychological support for adult treatment of anxiety disorders, mood disorders, eating disorders, personality disorders, chronic diseases, mourning-loss, abuse, sexual issues, crisis management, interpersonal relationships and communication issues, disability issues, issues with the elderly. Training and supervision of volunteers for people with chronic illnesses and families in crisis.

  • Diplas George, PgD in PCA Counseling, Gestalt therapist, trainer and supervisor, EAGT member (European Association for Gestalt Therapy), ECP holder and member of the Hellenic Association for Gestalt Therapy (HAGT).

  • Farmaki Maria, Psychologist, Early Childhood Educator, Β.Α. Psychologist, Gestalt Psychotherapist. Member of the Pan-Hellenic Association of Early Childhood Educators (P.A.E.C.E), and of EAGT. Founding member and Ex-president of the Hellenic Association for Gestalt Therapy (HAGT).

  • Giaglis George, M.D., M. Sc, Ph.D. He holds a degree and a Ph.D. in Medicine, A.U.Th. Specialized in neurology and subspecialized in neuropsychiatry. He holds a degree and a Ph.D. in Psychology, A.U.Th. Four Master's Degrees in Medical Research Technology, in Statistics, in Cognitive Psychology & Neuropsychology and in Adult Education. Gestalt therapist, supervisor and trainer, member of EAGT & HAGT. He has been trained also in Schema Therapy, Compassion Focused Therapy and Emotionally Focused Therapy. He has a private practice, is a guest lecturer in two postgraduate programs, and is a member of various research groups. He is a basic trainer of Gestalt Foundation and a workshop instructor.

  • Giagou Ada, Psychologist, Psychotherapist and Gestalt Trainer, Gestalt supervisor, member of EAGT and HAGT, post graduate training in Forensic Psychology and Criminology. ECP holder.

  • Hatzilakou Katia, M.Sc. Clinical & Social Psychology (A.U.Th.). Gestalt Psychotherapist, Trainer & Supervisor, member of EAGT (ex-Chair of NOGT and External Relation of EAGT) and the National Psychotherapy Company of Greece. ECP holder (European Certificate of Psychotherapy). Founding member of the Hellenic Association for Gestalt Therapy (HAGT).

  • Kalota Joanna, MSc Counseling Psychology, Gestalt Psychotherapist, trainee Gestalt trainer and supervisor. Member of EAGT (European Association for Gestalt Therapy) and of the Hellenic Association for Gestalt Therapy (HAGT). She has been working as a psychotherapist since 2004. She works with: adults, people with chronic diseases, caregivers of people with chronic diseases, parents with disabled children, parents of adolescents, volunteers (planning, training, supervision) of vulnerable groups. She has been collaborating with Gestalt Foundation, Psychotherapy & Training Centre since 2007, as therapy and supervision group coordinator.

  • Konstantinidou Antonia, M.Sc. Clinical & Social Psychology (A.U.Th.). Gestalt Psychotherapist, Trainer & Supervisor, member of EAGT and the National Psychotherapy Company of Greece. ECP holder (European Certificate of Psychotherapy). Founding member and ex-President & Representative of the Hellenic Association for Gestalt Therapy (HAGT).

  • Mertika Antigoni, PhD, Basic Psychology studies at Panteion University, Athens, Greece. Two postgraduate programs in Counseling and Organizational Psychology at Columbia University, New York, USA. She received her PhD in Clinical Psychology from Panteion University, Athens, Greece. Currently, she is working as a clinical psychologist. She is a Gestalt accredited therapist (EAGT) and member of EAGT and HAGT. Her research interests focus on the study of the therapeutic relationship, multiculturalism and social integration of people with schizophrenia. Lately, she is involved with Positive Psychology and is a founding member of the Hellenic Association of Positive Psychology. He has written extensively and has participated in individual and collective presentations at many conferences in Greece and abroad.

  • Michailidis Κostas, He studied Forestry at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. In the course of his career, he changed field and devoted himself to the science of psychology. He is a graduate of TEESSIDE COLLEGE, in Counseling and Psychological Science. He is Gestalt therapist and trainer, supervisor, member of EAGT and of HAGT & ECP holder (European Certificate of Psychotherapy). He works, as an individual therapist, in his office at Ag. Dimitrios, with groups and couples.

  • Orfanou Antigoni, Educational Psychologist (Μ.Sc. Professional Training in Educational Psychology), Psychotherapist and Gestalt supervisor, Member of EAGT and Member of the Hellenic Association for Gestalt Therapy (HAGT). She has worked as a scientific associate and researcher in Psychotherapy Centres in Athens, Thesaloniki and Piraeus, as School counselor in Prefectural institutions, as an Educational Psychology lecturer for teachers and school staff, as Psycotherapist in programmes supporting Romani women, autistic children and sexually abused children in UK and Greece. She has followed a training programm in psyco-somatic therapy in Ruella Frank's Center for Somatic Studies, and is currently monitoring and supervising families with babies up to 1,5 years old of age. She is based in Alimos, Athens since 1996.

  • Pappa Exarmenia, BA in Psychology (National Kapodistrian University of Athens), MSc Mental Health Studies, Gestalt Psychotherapist and Trainer. Member of EAGT and HAGT, PgCert Gestalt Body Process (Trained by James Kepner) Certificate in Performance Studies in Dance (Birkbeck College London). She runs a private practice in Athens, Greece. She facilitates groups and workshops that combine Gestalt therapy with movement and dance, support groups for teachers in secondary education and educational workshops for Gestalt therapy trainees. She is particularly interested in exploring movement, dance and somatics methods and applying them in her therapeutic work.

  • Papathanasiou-Pexlivanidou Katerina, Psychologist/ Gestalt Psychotherapist, Trainer and Supervisor. I work in my private office as a Psychologist-Psychotherapist and I run both individual and group sessions. Additionally, I work as, a Counsellor in the Counselling service of City College/International Faculty of York University, having sessions both with the students and the staff members. Moreover, I work as a trainer and supervisor in the “Gestalt Foundation” Psychotherapy & Training Center of Thessaloniki and I am a scientific associate of KEADD and of I participate with presentations in conferences both in Greece and in other countries, I write articles and I conduct training and experiential workshops. Bachelor of Science in Psychology, University of Sheffield, UK, Master of Science, in Psychology and Counselling, University of Sheffield, UK, Specialization in Gestalt Therapy, “Gestalt Foundation” Psychotherapy & Training Center of Thessaloniki, Master Practitioner in Eating Disorders and Obesity, KEADD, Center for Education and Treatment of Eating Disorders and Obesity, Training Programme for Gestalt Supervisors, “Gestalt Foundation” Psychotherapy & Training Center of Thessaloniki. Member of the British Psychological Society (B.P.S), of the American Psychological Association (APA), of the Health and Care Professional Council (HCPC), of the Hellenic Association of Gestalt Psychotherapy (H.A.G.T), of the European Association of Gestalt Psychotherapy (E.A.G.T), of the European Association of Psychotherapy (EAP), of the Greek Psychological Association (ΣΕΨ). European Certificate in Psychology (Europsy).

  • Siampani Katerina, Counselor, Gestalt Psychotherapist-Trainer-Supervisor, Msc in Counseling and Psychology, University City-Sheffield U.K. Trained in Sandplay and Art-Therapy. Member of EAGT, member of H.A.G.T. associate's degree of ECP. She worked for many years in YWCA of Kalamaria organizing and coordinating counseling groups for parents with children of preschool hood and adolescents and participating in administration committee of YWCA of Greece. Last twenty years she is working in Hellenic Association of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders -since 2002 voluntarily and since 2005 professionally until today- applying to Gestalt Psychotherapy adjunctive therapeutic approaches, such as Art-Therapy, Gestalt Reminisce Therapy, Sandplay Therapy and fairy tales. In addition, she provides psychological support in groups of caregivers of people suffering from dementia and groups for people with M.C.I. Since 2005 she works as personal professional psychotherapist. Collaborator of the Gestalt Foundation. Since 2005 she has been privately practicing the profession of psychotherapist. At the same time, she has worked in groups at the Association of Cancer Patients of Northern Greece and in groups of women with breast cancer at ALMA ZOIS. Writer of the books: «Marching Together. The perspective of Gestalt therapy in dementia», and «Diary of Psychotherapy. Illuminating the windows of the psyche».

  • Yiamarelou Yianna, M.A. in Clinical Psychology, Gestalt Psychotherapist, Trainer & Supervisor, ECP holder (European Certificate of Psychotherapy). Member of EAGT (European Association for Gestalt Therapy). Founding member of HAGT (Hellenic Association for Gestalt Therapy).