Balliou Despina
Studies in Sociology at Panteion University of Athens and Psychology (B.Sc.) & postgraduate studies in Counseling Psychology (M.Sc.) at La Verne University of California.
Gestalt psychotherapist, trainer and supervisor, holder of ECP (European Certificate of Psychotherapy).
Founding member of the Gestalt Foundation, Psychotherapy and Training Center and founding member of the HAGT (Hellenic Association for Gestalt Therapy).
Member of APA (American Psychology Association), member of the Hellenic & European Association of Counseling (HAC, EAC). Member of EAGT (European Association for Gestalt Therapy) and in particular member of EAGT’s Training Standards Committee. She was also member of the ECA’s Certification Committee. Training in relational Gestalt therapy at the Pacific Gestalt Institute and in the EMDR trauma therapy method. She is a certified trainer by EKEPIS (National Certification Center)
Works with adults, couples & groups. She specializes in issues related to trauma, abuse, loss, mood disorders, and personality disorders.
In recent years, she has been systematically involved in the planning, organization and supervision of educational programs, in the field of health professionals and interdisciplinary groups in social institutions, with specialization in trauma, mental health prevention and social responsibility. Coordinates educational and experiential workshops, as well as groups, with topics related to trauma, existential quests, relationship difficulties, emotional empowerment, etc., working through tangible experience, the principles of existential dialogue, art and creativity.
She has a deep interest in the relational - phenomenological - ecological - social perspective of Gestalt therapy theory for which she has published relevant articles and presented in lectures, scientific conferences and seminars.
She is the co-author of the book "Introduction to Gestalt Psychotherapy - Basic Concepts, Principles and Applications" (2011), published by Gestalt Foundation. She was the scientific editor of the Greek translation of the book "The Healing Relationship in Gestalt Therapy" by Rich Hycner and Lynne Jacobs with the Greek title «Η Θεραπευτική Σχέση ως Ίαση στην Ψυχοθεραπεία Gestalt”, (2018), published by I. SIDERIS, and of the book "The Art of Change" by Frans Meulmeester, Ioanna Rizou, George Stamatis, (2017), published by I. SIDERIS.