On Friday, 19 January, 2018 was held in Thessaloniki, at “IANOS” Culture Chain (7 Aristotelous Str) an open lecture on: “Enchantment is a way to be answered yes, without having made a clear question” ’’Alber Camus’’.
This interactive lecture «enchanted» the audience and call them to participate to an experiential exercise, taking the role of the “enchanter” and the “enchanted”.
The coordinators Askaridou Victoria* and Georgakopoulos Evangelos** answered with clarity all the questions posed by the end of the lecture.
*Askaridou Victoria, Mental Health Counselor, Gestalt Psychotherapist, Sandplay Therapist, Therapeutic Hypnosis, Antlerian training in parent groups, Trauma Therapist (EMDR, CRM basic and advanced), trained trainer CRM ,
**Georgakopoulos Evangelos, HED, BSc Hons, MCMT, DNP, MIASP, MCSP, Physiotherapist – Trained Gestalt Therapist