With the lecture of Mrs. Athina Anagnostopoulou on Thursday, 16/11/2017, the cycle of open lectures by Gestalt Foundation at the IANOS Culture Chain in Athens for the academic year 2017-2018 concluded. The topic of the lecture was «Limits: Traveling on the boundary of contact, Ego (I), You (Thou), We».
From the title alone, it is readily understood that this lecture focused on exploring what the limits mean by Gestalt theory, what their significance, necessity, quality, and how they are shaped, trampled, diminished, grow.
Ms. Anagnostopoulou, in order to make the concept of the threshold tangible to the public, was mentioned in the skin as part of our organization and at the same time as an instrument that brings us into contact with the environment. Skin is a limit, a meeting point through which we perceive and distinguish ourselves from the environment, and states that boundaries are the points of encounter in which we experience the "I", "You", through which we can we compose the experience of "We".
Through this, he tried to help the public explore what "what" and "how" in relation to the boundaries, ie what we are experiencing and what our way is, how we do to prevent or promote a life characterized by evolution and satisfaction.
The lecture has been very interesting to the audience that reflection of the round of the topic has led to a fruitful dialogue. The coordinator responded warmly to the number of questions and responded with clarity and clarity.
Athina Anagnostopoulou, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the American College of Greece, Certificate of 3 years of Counseling from Counseling & Psychotherapy in Scotland (COSCA). She has completed the four-year Gestalt Psychotherapy training at the Athens Gestalt Foundation, Psychotherapy & Training Center.