Οn Friday, June 9, 2017, the open lectures on the IANOS Culture Chain in Thessaloniki, for the period 2016-2017, were completed, with the lecture on "The Magnificence of the Solaris Planet: Sonata for the Imagination and the Reality of our Meetings".
Coordinator Petros Theodorou, Gestalt Psychotherapist, member of EAGT, creator of PSP: Process-Stage-Praxis, and author of the book "... to the heretics of love: the eyes that looked at me" tried to analyze “How does the subjective feeling of our existence relate to what happens when we love, fall in love, touch or glutton the Other?”
He started his lecture, referring to the fact that we all live, more or less, in a personal world, “a private island”. We feel as if our minds, thoughts, memories and feelings exist in our own, completely private "inward" space, inaccessible to everything, well separated by a strong psychological limit from our "outside".
He also explained that we usually think that in this "inward" space, we can distinguish what is the product of our imagination and what corresponds to the "outside" physical reality. On the occasion of the central idea of Andrei Tarkovsky's film "Solaris", he tried to illuminate some of the main themes and their variants that make up the soundtrack (melodic or dissonance) of our meetings.
The way in which the subject was presented by the psychotherapist and writer intrigued the audience and there were a lot of questions which Mr Theodorou answered in his unique, personal way, always giving rise to further thinking and reflection.
You can watch this lecture and many others, very easily, by going to our Gestalt Foundation YouTube channel