On April 7, 2017, in “IANOS” Culture Chain in Thessaloniki, a lecture held on "Pregnancy, childbirth and infancy in counseling psychology"
Pregnancy and the birth of a child are two of the biggest changes in a woman's life.
The emotional aspects and consequences of pregnancy, childbirth, postnatal period and infancy are rich and interesting, and information about them helps the woman experience them with confidence in her personal “wisdom”, with liveliness and creativity in her relationships with her baby and her environment.
The lecturers, Mrs. Alexandra Stefa and Ioanna Liarommati, Gestalt psychotherapists, and members of the Hellenic Association for Counseling and the American Psychological Association, respectively, presented and analyzed the feelings during pregnancy and childbirth, the mother-baby psychological bond, the role of the father, nutrition and sleeping issues of the baby.
Alongside, they presented the role of counseling and psychological support for women at these stages, highlighting when and how the future and the new mother should be supported.
At the end of the lecture there was a dialogue with interesting questions and concerns. The two coordinators responded in such a way as to help the audience to further understand the emotional changes that take place during pregnancy and postnatal period.
You can watch this lecture and many others, very easily, by going to our Gestalt Foundation YouTube channel